Member-only story
A Self-Proclaimed “Nice Guy” Is a Red Flag
You know what?
As a woman, I don’t walk around the world, trying to be a good human being, with the thought that I should land some male attention for my efforts.
I don’t expect men to notice me, do things for me, or date me for being “nice”.
Heck, for me, being nice has more often been a survival tactic than anything else. Girls get conditioned with the repeated message that being nice is more important than being smart.
Being nice is more important than being capable.
They become women who say “please” when asking someone to stop harassing them. They try to be nice about unwanted sexual advances. Female assault victims are often told to be “understanding” about the whole thing.
This is just another way of telling women to be “nice”.
As a woman, you can be nice or you can be a b*tch.
The vast middle doesn’t exist to the male gaze, so basically, in the land of the Patriarchy, it just doesn’t exist at all.
But, yeah, I guess nice guys could keep whining about how being “nice” isn’t getting them laid.
The thing about “nice guys” is that they think you’re involved in a transaction with them.