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How To Be The Best At Writing Bad Comments
A few ways to make a writer push away her laptop and bury her face in her palms
Write something that shows you didn’t read the post at all
The general subject matter upsets you. The title makes you certain that you’re not going to like the post, so why bother reading it? Anyhow, it’s way more important for the writer to be educated on your opinion. I mean, after all, who needs cogent and articulate points when you’ve got the delightful mix of anger and projection at your disposal.
It’s not your fault if the title didn’t capture every nuanced position the writer shares in the post. That’s something they call an area for improvement.
Leave a signature response
You think you’ve cracked Medium’s pay distribution equation. Part of winning is leaving redundant and empty comments on several posts, so you can trick the algorithm. You’re brilliant. This way, you don’t have to connect with the piece at all, not positively or negatively. You don’t even have to read it. You can just use standard words because you are king of no-value-added comments.