Member-only story
A Short Story
She woke up in the middle of the night from a bad dream.
She’d been having a lot of those lately.
In this one, she was in the backseat of a car being driven by some man. Suddenly, scissors poked through from underneath the car’s leather interior. The scissors made their way toward her as she yelled at the driver to look at what was unfolding.
By that time, the owner of the scissors, a stalker, had cut an opening for himself through the seat. He was seated right next to her and began poking at her with the scissors. She defended herself with nothing but the skin of her palms. In an unusual turn of events, he then began stabbing himself with the scissors.
That’s when she had opened her eyes.
Her boyfriend was sound asleep next to her, his face a vision of calm.
She shook him awake. “Please wake up. I’m terrified. I’m sorry to disturb you, but I’m so anxious. I had a nightmare.”
He groggily opened his eyes and pulled her closer.
“Okay, that’s fine. Tell me about what happened.”
She recounted the events, clinging to him.
At that precise moment, she heard an ominous shrieking and clapping coming from the street outside. She peered over him, through the…