Member-only story
The Real South Asian Matchmakers
As soon as I got done with my university education, I had to be a part of this charade to be selected by a potential suitor or most likely his mother for marriage. Back in the days, there was a certain aunty known in our social circle for her flawless matchmaking skills. After much convincing, my mother finally took me to a meeting with this “high-end matchmaker”.
On our way to her place, I was instructed to try my level best to leave an impeccable impression on her, after all my fate was in her hands. After a few minutes which seemed like an eternity to my anxious self, the aunty finally entered the room. She was a middle-aged overweight woman who looked far from “high-end” in her sweaty clothes and broken sandals. After the usual greetings, she started scanning me from head to toe. This scan lasted for at least a minute or maybe even more. I could tell by the way she looked at me that she had obtained an appropriate estimate of my height, weight and physique just with her eyes. This was enough to make me regret, giving in to mother’s pleas yet again. However, the worst was yet to come.
When the aunty finally got down to business. She started telling my mother how no guy would accept a girl looking so simple as I do. In my defense, I had put on some eyeliner and a lip gloss too. I always believed my clear skin did not need much makeup and my curly hair looked…