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Tips On Keeping Your Sanity While You Move
Lessons I’ve learned recently
After my recent move, my mornings were spent with me pouring my first conscious hour into the search for basic necessities, which were buried in one moving box or another.
To be frank, it was quite frustrating.
One would imagine that having more square footage allows for an organically less messy area, but I soon learned that the added room can quickly become more space for a scattered mess.
I was constantly reminded that I deeply need stability and organization in my life in order to function healthily, and those were two things I would have to recreate in a new house, in a new city, and with a new schedule.
As I find places for the unpacked items of my life and maneuver my way around a decreasing number of boxes (thankfully), I’ve come up with a few tips I’ll use when I move again, which, please no, not for many years.
Clearly label each moving box
Where was it located in the old place? Living room? Great-jot that down.
Where will it go in the new one? Maybe it was only in that former space because there wasn’t enough room. Do you think this box of things will actually belong inside of your home office? Okay, note that on…